For all of your cleaning, collection and filtration needs

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Cleaning Solutions for the Automotive Industry

Cleaning Solutions for the Automotive Industry

Our friends at Ransohoff are well suited to meet the challenges of cleaning automotive components. Whether the application demands heavy soil removal or intricate cleaning, Ransohoff has an innovative cleaning system that enhances productivity and efficiency while...

Why You Need The All New QFS Gaskets!

It’s no secret the dangers of unkept work environments and how crucial housekeeping practices are in keeping you, your workers, and your facility safe. A potential hazard comes from the leakage of oil mists and cutting fluids from process ventilation ducts or...
3 Reasons Why You Need An Industrial Vacuum

3 Reasons Why You Need An Industrial Vacuum

Did you know industrial vacuum systems can increase a company’s bottom line in a variety of ways? Industrial vacuums offer significant benefits to the efficiency of housekeeping tasks in your facility. Additional benefits include: maintaining higher product quality,...
Cyclone Dust Collectors

Cyclone Dust Collectors

Designed for high dust load, high temperature, and product recovery applications, Cyclone Dust Collectors are the perfect economical solution to a wide range of dust collection problems. These unique collectors have a mechanical separator that uses centrifugal force...
Resin Bonded Felt Filter Products

Resin Bonded Felt Filter Products

Are you looking for a replacement filter for your Parker ProBond™ filters? Well, we have good news! We are excited to announce that we have multiple alternatives for recently discontinued ProBond filters, thanks to our friends at Strainrite. Available in numerous...
LeanJet RB-8

LeanJet RB-8

The LeanJet® RB-8 immersion cleaning system processes eight (8) baskets of parts per cycle, up to eighty (80) baskets per hour. The ImmersoJet HC, (High Capacity) parts washer, cleans using our washing and rinsing process of agitation, spray impingement, hydraulic...
Choosing the Right Filter Cartridge

Choosing the Right Filter Cartridge

Cartridge dust collectors are the chosen collection system for many applications due to their ability to handle very small particles, their compact size and easier maintenance routines.  Another great benefit to cartridge filters is the ability to utilize filter...
Choosing the Right Filter Bag

Choosing the Right Filter Bag

To ensure your collector performs at top efficiency and to reduce the chance of breakdowns, it’s important to understand how to choose the correct filter bag.  Dust properties, filter construction, filter media, and filter bag finishes are four key factors in...
How Duct Design Affects Your Dust Collector

How Duct Design Affects Your Dust Collector

  Did you know duct design can affect your dust collector’s performance?  In order to achieve top efficiency and safety, we have determined a few key factors when designing your dust collectors duct run.  Our most important guidelines include: Facility Layout...
Solutions To Stay Compliant With NFPA 652

Solutions To Stay Compliant With NFPA 652

We are less than two weeks away from the implementation of the update to NFPA 652, Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust.  Although we explained these changes in our previous blog post that you can find here, we wanted to use this article to showcase how...
Avoid Fines With The NFPA 652 Update

Avoid Fines With The NFPA 652 Update

This blog post will highlight the upcoming changes to NFPA 652, Standard on the Fundamentals of Combustible Dust.  To help you stay compliant, Heneveld Industrial Group is able to provide solutions to your implementation plan after your DHA is performed.  Disclaimer:...
October Employee Spotlight!

October Employee Spotlight!

For October’s Employee Spotlight, we interviewed Jeff Boyd.  Jeff joined Dan in 1993 and they haven’t looked back since. One behalf of everyone at Heneveld Industrial Group, we are so fortunate to have these two great men as the leaders of our company! ...
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